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Diocleziano Toia 11° TO PHARAOHS 2012

Just outside the top ten, eleventh, a character now characteristic of the rally despite being the second participation in the Pharaohs: Diocletian Toia, "pumped" from the official communication as Driver Beta DIRT Racing and running with a Beta 450. In reality things are more easily. Toia, who has an amazing blond boy who started to visit the paddock with his father and mother for a little over a year, is a fellow of forty years almost exact tattoo that seems completely covered with Indian silk, and is a If "classic".
"It's the passion, as always, that I do these things. In "normal" life are much closer to the horses to the bike. Transport them with my company, and I've also underway. In the early years of this decade I tried to do a little 'Supermoto, and only a couple of years ago, approached the jeep through the front door. "
Why just starting with the Rally?
"I say this with a bit of respect: for speed. The Rally races are among the fastest, and I really like the speed. I would have liked, right here in Egypt where it is still allowed, run with one of the legendary 690, those who scored more than ten years of history of the specialty. But not only that. Last year I tried, and I discovered a great atmosphere. "
Aware of the risk, so how are you holding up?
"Biting the brake, as in my profession. I understand that the main condition to start to go fast is the experience. You have to learn to interpret the ground, knowing how to properly imagine what you can expect over a dune, "indiziare" even the most subtle color of the soil to see if it is hard or hides the danger of soft sand or fesh-fesh . I ran only here and in Sardinia and I realize I do have a long way. For the moment, however, my Rally is going great. "
Intend to continue?
"Certainly. It's hard to come off, once known, the atmosphere of the camp and landscapes that are the target of such races. It's nice to also be all set, amateurs and professionals, Samples and "pilots" without any particular ambitions. Of course I also want to continue having the opportunity. Rally racing is quite expensive, and you always have to deal with everyday life, the one that allows you to earn the "pass" for racing. "

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